Marko Kovacic & Brane Ždralo


Ljubljana, 8th May – 30 June 2013, PST / the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship

Scarecrow is an art object that resembles a traditional folkloristic item: the field scarecrow. The artists are re-contextualizing and rebranding it into a urban/rural feature. Formal inspiration is drawn from futurism, constructivism, suprematism and modernism in general. In addition to its aesthetic value, the object pleases with its applicable value as well - the function of a pest repellant … The object, rotating in random motion, is powered by natural sources and thusly correlated to its natural environment. Nature in collaboration with mechanics, electronics and art creates a new »urban accessory«. This modern sculpture reacts to the passersby as well and creates unpredictable light and sound effects. Five objects were be placed on meadows and fields adjacent to the PST around Ljubljana (Pot spominov in tovarištva - Path of Memories and Comradeship).

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